IC / HPLC Applications
I have a variety of columns, detectors, and a choice of instruments to perform Anions. Standard Anions, Specialty Anions, Anions in Complex Matrices, Anions that some people don’t even know the analyte is an Anion…I can perform Anions. Whereas most labs have ‘an Anion instrument for an EPA 300 type application’ I have choices. That’s good news for you!
I have instruments dedicated to trace-level Anions, Anions in specialty chemicals, and Anions in water too. I have the expertise to optimize the separation to properly and accurately identify the anion, the anion from the contaminant, and the experience to accurately and reproducibly produce a quality result.
Same song, second verse: I have a variety of columns, detectors, and a choice of instruments to perform Cations. Standard Cations, Specialty Cations, Cations in Complex Matrices, Cations that some people don’t even know the analyte is a Cation…I can perform Cations. Whereas most labs have ‘an Anion instrument for an EPA 300 type application’ I have choices for Anions, Cations, Organic Acids, Amines and other specialty separations. That’s good news for you too!
I have instruments dedicated to trace-level Cations, Cations in specialty chemicals, and Cations in water too. I have the expertise to optimize the separation to properly and accurately identify the Cation, the Cation from the contaminant, and the experience to accurately and reproducibly produce a quality result.
Organic Acids
New Tune Here...I have a variety of columns, detectors, and a choice of instruments to perform Organic Acids. I prefer to analyze Organic Acids using Suppressed Ion Exclusion, but sometime the better choice is a non-suppressed Ion Exclusion or utilization of a different detector based on matrices and/or quantification requirements. I work with the sample to optimize the separation and deliver the best solution for a particular sample. There is not a template for the ideal OA separation!
I have an instrument dedicated to Organic Acids using suppressed Ion Exclusion with Conductivity Detection, but as required, I have other instruments I can employ for the optimal separation and detection scheme based on your samples.
Amines…I group Amines into two basic groups and I can separate both groups. I have a variety of columns, detectors, and a choice of instruments to perform Amines or Hydroxyl Amines (TBAOH, etc). Although I have a typical starting configuration for an amine sample, I work with the sample to optimize the separation and deliver the best solution for a particular sample. There is not a template for the ideal Amine separation despite what publications may say.
I have an instrument dedicated to Amines, but as required, I have other instruments I can employ for the optimal separation and detection scheme based on your samples.
Transiton Metals, Hexavalent Chrome, Iron Speciation…Although most labs run all metals as possible on an ICP-OES, my lab can perform transition metals, Hexavalent Chrome, and Iron Speciation by Ion Chromatography. I have a variety of columns, a UV/Vis detector, and a dedicated instrument to perform these different separations. (Not at the same time of course).
I have an instrument dedicated to “Metals", but as required, I change the configuration to meet the demand. At one time, these were often requested, but I suppose with regulation changes and the dependency on ICP, metals by IC are not as popular. If you find you need a separation by IC for your metals project, you have come to the right place!
Transition Metals / Hex Chrome / Iron
Specialty IC
New Tune Here...I have a variety of columns, detectors, and a choice of instruments to perform Specialty IC separations. It would be difficult to list all the different analytes I have performed over the years, and what makes them fit into my “Specialty” category.
To give you at least an idea: Iodide, Iodate, Selenite / Selenate speciation, Sulfite, Sulfide, Cyanide, and the list continues. If you have a unique analyte you need, just give me a call. I am always happy to help. These typically cost a bit more because of the setup, ordering fresh chemicals, or may even have a bit of a delay because of delivery. However, I am happy to support you, and thanks for the privilege to serve you.
I do not promote my HPLC capability like I do my IC Core Capability. I have a variety of columns, detectors, and a choice of instruments to perform HPLC separations, however, my HPLC business stays in the specialty category. Here too it would be difficult to list all the different analytes I have performed over the years, and what makes them fit into my “Specialty HPLC” category.
To give you at least an idea: Formaldehyde, Acetylaldehyde, carbohydrates, glycols, and the list continues. If you have a unique analyte you need, just give me a call. I am always happy to help if I can. These typically cost a bit more because of the setup, ordering fresh chemicals, or may even have a bit of a delay because of delivery. However, I am happy to support you, and thanks for the privilege to serve you.
I work with Advanced Separations for ICP because they use a high-resolution instrument optimized for trace-level work in clean(er) matrices. The lab has maintained a consistent capability dedicated to our customers who are in or serve a specialty chemicals market. They do not try to be ‘all things to all people’ with ICP like many other environmental labs. The focus for ICP-OES is specialty chemicals, boiler waters, and other similar matrices. I am happy to discuss your application and/or maybe you will consider metals by IC as a valid alternative if it works for your needs.
ICP-OES Applications
Sample Prep
Sample Prep
Just some additional information I hope will be interesting and informative for you. I prepare all samples for analysis by weight as I believe, and have proven over the years, that weight is so much more accurate and precise than volume. Reproducible too!
Some sample types are best analyzed following a distillation or scrubbing process. Others are best analyzed following an ultra-filtration process. Whatever the process required, I have the expertise to get the sample into solution for a quality, reproducible, analysis. Some techniques cost a little more.
UHP Water
I only use 18.2 MegOhm water in my labs. I have multiple high-purity water systems I use for various tasks including reagents, standards, rinsing, and dilutions. I think this is important as I have been in so many labs that claim to offer quality separations but use reagent-grade water or bottled water from a plastic jug they purchased at WalMart. I frequently test my water, and I maintain my systems to the highest levels of performance. I go over and above to insure the UHP water will never be a source of contamination for my analyses.